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Semalt Expert: Keyword Stuffing And Why It Is Harmful To Your Site

Michael Brown, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, warns that it's not a good practice to repeat the same keywords and phrases in all of your articles as it sounds unnatural. For instance, if you write: "We are selling flowers online." And you write the same line again and again in multiple articles; it is called keyword stuffing. In order to get better rankings, you should include a few keywords at different places in the Meta Description, Page Title and Content. Make sure the actual theme of your article is not disturbed while including the keywords. And yes, you should never copy the content from other websites and don't try to stuff lots of keywords at one place. One of the major things you should remember while adding metadata to your website is that keyword stuffing is not suitable for your site's visibility and reputation on the internet. It is good to insert the main keywords in your metadata, title, and the first paragraph of the article, but you should never include lots of short tail and long tail keywords and phrases. That is because the search engines will not rank your site correctly and might decrease its visibility on the internet.

What is keyword stuffing?

The very term keyword stuffing has been around for years. In fact, it is a part of SEO used to describe some techniques webmasters and bloggers use to improve the ranking of their websites. Lots of people use it to manipulate their sites' search engine results for some keywords and phrases. If you visit a website that shows lots of words and phrases that have no relevance to the articles on the site, then it is likely to be the matter of keyword stuffing.

Why avoid keyword stuffing

One of the easiest ways to avoid keyword stuffing is creating content that is useful and informative. You should write articles that are relevant and easy to read. It's true that users have to use keywords in their articles, but they should not be used in every line changing the meaning of the whole piece and making it look unnatural. In simple words, you should try your best not to stuff the keywords and concentrate on writing quality articles with the focus on your main keyword.

To be clear, you should bear in mind that keyword stuffing cannot give you the desired results. People try to hide it as they know that it will not engage lots of visitors on their websites. For example, if you see lots of websites with white text and white backgrounds, you should be clear that they are trying to hide certain keywords and are using the CSS styles for keyword stuffing. They even use a large number of keywords in the alt text and metadata without any proper meaning and usefulness.